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Originating in the field of psychotherapy, HG has been widely adopted in other fields…
Human givens therapy focuses on helping people move on in their lives as quickly as possible
Our cost-effective training is an enjoyable way to update your knowledge and skills…
Increase your ability to help people with this versatile, evidence-based course
and spreading the knowledge and skills that make that possible…
Read the liveliest, most thought-provoking, peer-reviewed, biannual magazine about psychology, human behaviour and mental health…
Discover why we are all vulnerable to addictions, what causes and drives addictive and compulsive behaviours – and the best ways to overcome them
GREAT SAVINGS – when you buy all 8 diploma-linked courses together
Understanding loss and the best ways to help – this sensitive course dispells many myths and gives you greater insight into the natural grieving process and how best to support those suffering loss
Have you ever felt powerless in the face of anger? If so, this practical and highly informative online anger management training course is for you – learn how to take back control...
If you advise, treat or counsel disturbed or distressed people, this could be the most important course you ever take...
Effective treatment and recovery Discover why some people become traumatised and not others, the cause of extreme traumatic stress responses, the wide range of trauma symptoms – and much more…
Discover key insights into what makes us who we are that will deepen your psychological understanding and increase your ability to help people...
Vital information for everyone – includes new insights and research findings which dramatically improve recovery rates and reduce relapses
– and managing it without drugs: Essential information – discover the quickest, most effective ways to reduce all sorts of anxiety and help people take back control of their lives
An empowering approach to emotional health and clear thinking: the seminal book about the human givens approach, contains a rich body of psychological knowledge that will strike a chord with any lively mind...
Help adolescents and adults overcome self-harming behaviours Overcoming self-harm is possible but having the right help and support is crucial - this inspiring online course gives you all of the essential insights and tools you need…
Discover how to make a positive difference – whatever the problem – using the key concepts and skills encompassed in human givens therapy
Delving Deeper: Using the lens of innate human needs to help resolve political and social conflicts, undermine terror agendas and promote peace
New insights into the causes of mental illness, including severe conditions like schizophrenia, are explaining distressing symptoms and reducing suffering...
Essential knowledge for counsellors, psychotherapists and anyone else working with distressed people
Delving Deeper: This groundbreaking course takes you on a mind-expanding journey through the fundamental questions of our time