How to lift depression
– the practical skills you need
Discover how key new insights into the causes and symptoms of depression, when combined with a range of powerful psychological techniques, can make treatment easier and more consistently effective …
Course Factfile
Depression Treatment Training
- Price: £198 per person
Includes course notes, refreshments and lunch.
Book your place
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Practical, inspiring and full of hope
Dr Gina Johnson, GP
NEXT DATE: Tuesday 4th March, Bristol – join Diploma tutor Jo Baker to gain powerful new insights and techniques that you can use straight away to help people move on from depression. Book online now or call our friendly team on 01323 811690 to ensure your place. Other dates and venues available.
Why take this course
Until recently depression was little understood but key new insights into its causes and symptoms have made treatment easier and more consistently effective. On this day you will learn how combining these insights with a wide range of different psychological techniques enables the majority of cases to be lifted surprisingly quickly … even severe ones.
Although antidepressants can play a role in reducing symptoms, they can also be dangerous and prove hard to withdraw from – research shows that appropriate counselling is more effective at lifting even the most severe depression, with a much lower rate of relapse. The approach you will learn on this workshop is in this category and is proving very effective – 10,000s of people have already been successfully helped with the knowledge and skills you will learn on the day.
I feel much more confident in my understanding of the process of depression and how to target it with helpful interventions
Daniel Cooper
What will you learn
- New insights into why depressed people wake up tired and unmotivated, and what to do about it
- Information about the links between inflammation and depression
- Clear, practical steps for lifting even severe depression
- Demonstrations of the skills that quickly break the cycle of depression, move people on and prevent relapse
- A profound understanding of why these work and are a big improvement on drug therapy
- Practice sessions in using these proven skills and techniques yourself
- What to do if you suspect someone may be feeling suicidal
- How to establish what’s not working in a person’s life and why, using a case history
- Techniques for tackling rigid thinking, negative expectancy and the pessimistic rumination that causes depression
- How to work with your clients to find effective ways they can get their innate emotional needs met well and in balance
- A range of additional useful tips and strategies that you can easily incorporate into your work
- The opportunity to watch a film of master therapist Joe Griffin working quickly and successfully with a highly depressed patient
- You will also have plenty of time to ask questions of the tutor, who is also a practising therapist herself…
Counts towards a Diploma
By taking this course, you could be on your way to completing Part 1 of the Human Givens Diploma – a flexible, part-time psychotherapy course which will deepen your psychological knowledge and increase your ability to help people effectively and quickly. Learn more >
Everyone, not just the caring professions, should do this day.
General Practitioner
Who is this course suitable for?
- If your life is affected by depression in any way – perhaps the staff or students you are responsible for at work present with depression, or a friend or family member is depressed – you will benefit from attending
- Anyone who, for whatever reason (personal or professional), would like to better understand the causes of depression and be able to offer practical help to people who are depressed
- If you would like to know how best to prevent relapses and help clients build long-lasting resilience against future setbacks, this workshop is for you
- Anyone concerned about the side effects of drug treatments for depression, who would like to know about the easy-to-learn psychotherapeutic techniques that can lift depression quickly, will benefit from attending
- It is essential training for counsellors, psychotherapists, social workers, occupational therapists, HR professionals and all other health and welfare professionals – since depression is now so common, it is crucial to understand it and know how to treat it quickly and effectively.
Good to know
This workshop complements our online course: How to break the cycle of depression.
Guided imagery and visualisation and Therapeutic Language are useful skills to have for implementing the strategies taught on this workshop.
Course Programme
The ‘How to lift depression – the practical skills you need’ course starts at 9.30am and runs until 4.00pm.
This course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training.
On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.
Please note
This course is not a substitute for individual therapy
Register your interest – next date
If you can’t make any of these course dates, please complete the form below and we’ll email you when another date becomes available.
Tell others about this course
Wonderful training. I work with university students who often come in with problems like depression – this has given me such useful, clear information – now I have the understanding and techniques to be able to offer practical help with what I deal with regularly, thank you.
Health Advisor
I didn’t think learning about depression would be so enjoyable!
Community Wellbeing Worker
Excellent and engaging. Complex ideas packaged very clearly and really useful techniques to take away for my work.
University Mentor
Really excellent!
Very engaging, broken up well and a great opportunity to apply and consolidate learning.
Found the course clear and interesting and I feel much more confident in my understanding of the process of depression and how to target it with helpful interventions.
Useful and insightful content
Beautifully structured, great audio visual
Many aha! moments for anyone who has been through depression
Excellent on every front – style, input, awareness of audience and humour
Great presentation and flexibility of running when questions introduced.
Useful resources to work with depression.
Brilliant! Loved the discussions.
Really enjoyed the course – love Jo’s teaching style
A lot of good information
Love the guided imagery and still fascinates me how effective it is
Very good day – very informative.
Really enjoyed today. Good balance of exercises/breaks/teaching.
Provoked deep thinking – lots to process. Lots of brilliant slides and examples of therapy
Informative, innovative and practical. Lots of tools
Great insight into depression and some good discussion around various topics associated with it
Extremely practical course which could be taught as a stand alone course and be implemented the next day.
Great skills for lifting depression. Very useful and effective psycho-education to pass on.
Huge wealth of information and knowledge packed into the day with lots of opportunity to practise, and excellent guidance and support from Jo.
Another superb course explaining depression symptoms and treatment options. Skills based, applicable and good to be able to seek clarity from Jo. Thoroughly enjoyed learning about this area.
Excellent, practical and empowering. It gave me a deeper and in-depth understanding about depression and what to do about them. Wonderful to be improving my skills like this. Denise Winn is professional and I love listening her.
Thank you!
An excellent worthwhile investment of my time.
Denise was clear and knowledgeable. Joe Griffin film was excellent particularly re language use, feeding back information in Guided Imagery. Listening to others questions and insights was very helpful. Although i missed the live Course on Zoom i have worked through the exercises and feel i have gained from listening/watching the Course on Vimeo.
The course itself is extremely well done. The quality of the information provided was second to none but I feel the zoom was not a great idea as connecting with the tutor was some times hard. Overall a great day.
It was a fantastic course! Left me craving further Human Given courses, and I the same evening I went and booked the Therapeutic Power of Language! Great balance of theory and practical exercises, and an incredibly knowledgeable, experienced and engaging lecturer! Such a joy to participate! Thank you!
It was very informative and a very well-delivered course. It had lots of interesting information and facts, as well as the opportunity to try out a little practice. I did find the sound quality on the videos of Joe Griffin a little lacking and so for me at least, it wasn’t always easy to follow certain aspects as clearly as I would have liked. I also found that some of the handouts did not match exactly the slides that Denise screen-shared with us. Sometimes I thought I was missing a sheet and found myself searching through my print-outs and then of course, I wasn’t listening to all that was going on. I think in the end it seemed I did have everything except it was presented in a different way to that which was presented on the screen. I think it could be really helpful if it matched. Or if not, perhaps the tutor could just say that we do actually have all the info in the handouts, and what is seen on screen might be presented a little differently. I think considering how many people were on the course, it was excellently run which cannot be so easy on Zoom and not being face-to-face. I’m much looking forward to the other workshops. Thanks again!
I found it an incredibly practical day, with the right blend of teaching, group exercises and group discussion including Q&A. I particularly enjoyed the way Denise used many (anonymous) examples of cases from her own practice, where it’s evident that this approach to lifting depression has been transformative for so many people, and has undoubtedly saved lives, literally. I came away feeling confident, hopeful and quietly excited about restarting my private practice in the coming months.
This is a great course. It provides essential insight, outline and structure for working with clients who present with depression as their predominant experience.
Very useful and adaptable practical skills.
An excellent workshop that has a great deal to offer people new to the field as well as professionals.
I found the course useful with lots of relevant information provided.
It was well facilitated, encouraging the participation of all attendees but not forcing anyone to contribute. The content was insightful and of a high standard and the pace of the day was good. There was limited time to learn from the experience of participants because there was a lot of information to cover in a relatively short period of time. The atmosphere was relaxed and conducive to learning with everyone’s input valued. I think it achieved what it set out to do and I’m sure that everyone will have a better understanding of depression and its treatment as a result of the course.
This is the 3rd live online course I have completed with Human Givens and I have to say that this is my favourite. We learnt lots of interesting things about depression, but it was also immensely helpful seeing these principles being put into practice in a video with Joe Griffin having a session with a client – very useful and helpful to see
Nice mixture of Broader Human Givens ethos and approach, underpinned with cited research followed by practical techniques and anecdotal situations. Nice use of Zoom, and practical consideration for small group work to embed conversations and techniques.
The course took you step by step through the actual practitioner/ client process of a first session. Each step was examined and explained. Time was given for break out groups to experience the process. This was followed by an actual video of a live recorded session of Joe Griffin interaction with a client attending suffering from depression. Prior to all this, the underlying principles and concepts of the Human Given approach to Counselling was articulated in the Innate human needs and resources that we all have when born.
A great follow on from the self study stage 1 diploma course on Lifting Depression. Denise keeps a good pace throughout the day, engages actively with participants and the break out workgroups give a fantastic opportunity to discuss & reflect with other participants. Built around the Human Givens (Emotional Needs & Innate Resources) and the RIGAAR model the day offers practical insights in working with depression in a pragmatic and scientifically backed way. Getting a client to feel positive that road to a better life in the first session is so important.
Very interesting and practical.
This course and the techniques used are positively life changing. Practical skills in using the RIGAAR model, the importance of relaxation and guided imagery, understanding REM sleep and a complete psychobiological explanation for clinical depression. How all of these practical skills can significantly improve our health and wellbeing swiftly, reducing the need for antidepressants, highlighting the importance of early intervention. A fascinating course.
As I follow each course in Part 1 of the Diploma, I have a sense that the Human Givens organising ideas and psychological knowledge are incrementally developing my understanding of good mental health. With the usual rehearsal of our human needs and resources (which also makes this course useful to anyone interested in the Human Givens), How to Lift Depression really did deliver on the “practical skills you need” to achieve and maintain good mental health – for yourself and for others.
For me this is refreshing in it’s non medicalised understanding of depression as a consequence of needs not being met.
Superbly organised, well balanced amount of knowledge and practice exercises.
An extremely informative and practical day combined knowledge with working through how to apply that knowledge in a “real live” case. Denise and Arlene are warm, welcoming and professional and are great ambassadors for Human Givens.
This is my second course with Denise and she hasn’t let me down. She is skilled in her topic, style and delivery and I highly recommend you do any courses with her name on it.
Really useful informative course exploring brief and effective solutions for depression.
This was the first time I’ve attended an online (or in person) course of this nature, I found it really informative, well paced and a challenge at times. I’m looking forward to the next one I go to.
The online “How to lift depression” live training with Denise was a full day of content focused on the practise tools needed. Both Denise and her facilitator Arlene were excellent and skilful in the material and keeping a large group on track!
Denise, as always, is captivating in her delivery. I really enjoy the explanation of why depression forms and the links to our evolutionary biology. I really look forward to the next session.
‘How to lift depression’ course was very insightful. The concepts were approached in simple and clear ways, making the day very impactful.
Denise is brilliant. The course was informative & straightforward.
Very informative and well-structured learning opportunities provided.
I found the day to be very illuminating with loads of practical tips to take away that anyone can use to help themselves or someone else with depression. The online breakout groups worked well & I didn’t feel at all disadvantaged doing the training via zoom rather than in person. Denise was an excellent teacher and facilitator and made it very easy to understand. Thanks to Arlene who ensured it all went smoothly and everyone who attended – I learnt lots from you all.
The examples from Denise and case studies were a very useful addition to the written HG material on this subject.
Why didn’t I learn about this on my counselling course?! At last I finally have a handle on depression and how to treat it – can’t thank you all enough.
The interpersonal, cognitive and behavioural techniques needed to lift depression were very useful and are brilliant tools to help me work more effectively with my clients. Also embedding further the use of guided imagery. A great practical day.
Immensely helpful. Such a neat understanding supported with rich examples and facts … all held together with a clear route to diagnosis and treatment plus the therapeutic skills needed to bring about the best outcome for the patient.
I had very interesting insights today on issues that I have been dealing with for some time. I have read from books and I was familiar with the HG ideas, but the training day highlighted the points and made things clearer. We all need this knowledge very much, even if we are not therapists. Knowledge brings clarity.
The framework of the information is strong and evidence-based which appeals greatly.
A very helpful and informative day, delivered in an engaging and humourous way.
This was my second course with HG and I am very taken by its commonsense approach. Can definitely see its huge potential for use in my profession and will continue attending other workshops/sessions.
The power of guided imagery was impressive and something that would be useful for me to explore. The course was well set out and conducive to learning – totally absorbing and enjoyable.
This has been the clearest explanation of the causes and symptoms of depression I’ve heard – it makes perfect sense and I can immediately see how my clients will benefit.
Really inspiring – thank you.
The new material on bipolar and postpartum depression was first class! The style and use of case studies did not disappoint and have triggered ways of helping my students and clients by giving me the ‘breathing space’ I needed, through listening to a valuable presentation.
Today has been invaluable. My understanding of depression has soared and I can already see how helpful this is going to be in my work.
The information about how depression may present in adolescents was very useful to me as I work in a secondary school.
Very useful and practical day – brought a lot of strands from different days together. Very interesting information on sleep, insomnia and the biology of neurophysiology.
All the information about excessive REM sleep and how it links with depression is so interesting. I love the Human Givens approach – so useful for myself as well as how I interact with work colleagues, patients and family. Thanks for yet another great day’s training.
Totally absorbing. Confirmed my disquiet about the medical model of depression.
I’ve been looking for an effective way to treat depression for years – and now finally here it is!
Immensely helpful. Such a neat understanding supported with rich examples and facts … all held together with a clear route to diagnosis and treatment plus the therapeutic skills needed to bring about the best outcome for the patient.
I have worked in a community team for a good number of years, but I’ve learned far more today than on other training courses I have attended. Found the day really informative and it will definitely enhance my practice.
Thank you – I know I’m going away from today with life-saving skills.