Live - Online Training

Online and phone therapy training

– essential guidance for safe and effective remote working

Join our expert tutors to discover how you can make online therapy work for your practice

Course Factfile

Online and phone therapy training Online Training

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  • Price: £110 £105 per person

Price includes course notes and access to a recording of the event

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Original price was: £110.00.Current price is: £105.00.

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Live Online Training: Join Ros Townsend or Jo Baker live online for this jam-packed, specialist training in delivering effective therapy online or over the phone. You will receive your Zoom link the day before the event.
BONUS RECORDING – the training is recorded, in case of technical difficulties, so you will also get a recording for 2 weeks afterwards to maximise your learning.
Can’t make these dates?  Register your interest below to hear about future ones.

Delivering online therapy, or counselling clients on the phone, requires a particular set of skills and brings with it specific considerations. This live online workshop will help you gain confidence in working safely and ethically, examining the advantages, potential drawbacks and adjustments you need to make to work remotely successfully. There will be plenty of time for questions, and helpful discussions with your peers and experienced tutors.

Why take this course

CPD Provider LogoWhether you are a new practitioner wanting to develop your online practice, or an experienced therapist who has decided to start offering services online or on the phone, this course will help you gain the skills and understanding you need to do so safely and effectively. Unlike other online courses, this practical live online CPD training gives you the opportunity to ask our experienced tutors questions about any aspects that concern you, as well as learning from their case histories about what has worked – and what hasn’t – for them.

Covering essential areas such as managing client expectations, setting up a therapeutic online environment, risk management, and the use and adaptation of various skills and techniques for online or telephone work, this course gives you the essential information you need to deliver therapeutic interventions remotely.

Both Jo Baker and Ros Townsend, the course tutors, have extensive experience of working with clients online, with Ros now running her entire therapy practice remotely. Jo works using a blended approach (combining face-to-face counselling and online psychotherapy), and both bring a wealth of practical tips, hands on experience and real-life examples to the training.

During the day, there will be ample opportunity to discuss and share ideas with both tutors and peers, and to enter into both structured and more free-ranging discussions about both the benefits and potential difficulties that one might encounter when working therapeutically through remote mediums.

What the training covers:

  • The importance of aligning client and therapist expectations for online therapy, or therapy over the phone
  • How to set-up successfully for work on the phone or online – including template agreements to use with your clients
  • Managing your technology and ensuring good communication – key things to ascertain, plus troubleshooting tips
  • What to do when the call won’t connect
  • The importance of confidentiality and privacy – and the potential problems you need be aware of when working online
  • Agreeing safe communication methods between sessions
  • How to successfully manage dual therapy spaces
  • The importance of setting and maintaining professional boundaries
  • Discussion regarding what is / is not acceptable in a home therapy space
  • How to manage transitions before and after the session – for clients and therapists
  • The key differences between online and face to face therapy work
  • How to adapt and work successfully with a range of key therapeutic skills – such as Guided Imagery and The Rewind technique
  • Assessing suitability of client presentations – including guidance on cases that are not suitable for online therapy
  • How to manage risk effectively in an online or telephone environment
  • How to put in place effective contingency plans for when technology fails
  • Developing flexibility: dealing with the unexpected – including what to do if a session is interrupted
  • When to refer a client on
  • The additional pressures and potential stressors of online and telephone working
  • Working in a blended way – combining remote and face-to-face sessions
  • Key differences for the client of receiving therapy online or over the telephone
  • The particular considerations of working with a wider client group from different geographical locations
  • The importance of self-care and self-awareness
  • Insurance and GDPR considerations when delivering online therapy or counselling, or
    working via the phone
  • The importance of appropriate supervision

Course Programme

The ‘Online and phone therapy training’ course starts at 9.00am and runs until 1.15pm. (BST).

Who is this course suitable for?

  • This course is designed for both trainee and fully-qualified therapists, psychotherapists and counsellors
  • It is recommended to all HG practitioners by the Human Givens Institute – trainee HG Therapists are expected to take this training if they are considering working online.

CPD Provider LogoThis course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 4 hours of CPD training.

On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

Register your interest

If you can’t make this date, complete the form below and we’ll email you when another date becomes available.

Meet your tutors

Jo Baker - Human Givens College Tutor

Jo Baker

For many years Jo worked as a therapist within the Psychological Wellbeing department at the University of Derby, where she dealt with an extensive and varied caseload…

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Rosalind Townsend, HG tutor and therapist

Rosalind Townsend

Ros Townsend is an experienced psychotherapist and supervisor with busy practices in SW England, where she combines private therapy work with referrals from Occupational Health and the NHS.

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Reviews for this course

4.7/5 (58 Reviews)
  1. Inga Springell, HS Psychotherapist

    I thoroughly enjoyed this course with Ros. It was a great opportunity to refresh and reflect on my current practice of working online and discuss with Ros and colleagues in the breakout rooms, the practicalities and preparation of working online and the legal requirements to keep my work ethical and safe. I highly recommend this course for all practitioners

  2. Arts Therapist

    Ros Townsend lead us as a wonderful, skilled facilitator – delivering the course with ease, warmth and depth of knowledge. A breadth of topics were covered, with real life examples from her private practice and experience as a clinician. I found interaction and discussion with the other attendees beneficial and collegial. Overall, the course answered questions I had about working online with clients, as well as raising others to be thought about further – in relation to my practice and preferences. Really valuable! Thank you.

  3. Juliette Jackson, Executive Headteacher

    Clear, practical and full of helpful tips. Thank you!

  4. Toby Sewell, Therapist

    Very good teaching which was of course well presented. Thank you

  5. Lois Daniels-Ekarte, Therapist

    Very informative and leaving me with lots of food for thought as well as some practical to do’s.

  6. Kerry Ann Duffy, Therapist

    Informative, well paced and well delivered. Thank you

  7. Latania Kennard, School Therapist

    Very helpful course that considers the additional needs to work competently online.

  8. Counsellor & Psychotherapist

    I found this training to be very useful. It has helped me to consider how I practice my online sessions and the changes that I would like to implement in the service I provide. The course was very informative and delivered well by an excellent tutor. Having the course notes helps reflect upon the key points of the topic.

  9. José Steer, Coach Counsellor

    Ros is an excellent tutor, good atmosphere, room for questions etc.
    Although I have been working online, I learned today. Especially about formalities and agreements etc.

  10. Counsellor

    Not having any experience working online with clients, this provided lots of practical info and help, particularly around the contract side and establishing ground rules and boundaries. Whilst the group discussions were quite interesting, as quite a few of us were inexperienced, sometimes it didn’t add much to the experience. Overall it was a very good course and Ros was an excellent tutor.

  11. Sara Simon, Psychotherapist

    Ros is a really good tutor and brings the content to life. I felt it was a good update on on-line working as it included lessons learned over the years since the first lockdown, with anecdotal examples of what to look out for.

  12. Katie Gilruth, Trainee HG Psychotherapist

    Ros, as always, was a brilliant teacher.

  13. Teacher & Trainee HG Therapist

    Well structured, ran smoothly, good discussions, very informative.

  14. Michelle Buckles, HG Psychotherapist

    Jo provided essential guidance for online and phone training in a safe and effective way. The course outlined ethical, legal, practical and safety considerations for providing therapy online or via phone. The course was packed full of information and there was plenty of opportunity to work through scenarios in break out groups and learn from others. I particularly enjoyed having an online therapy checklist to signpost you to key areas to put in place. In addition therapeutic practices were explored with a view to amending them safely for online purposes. A worthwhile course for any therapists to obtain a full understanding of what it means to work safely online.

  15. Gavin Roberts, Hypnotherapist

    I would say this course is essential for anyone considering working remotely in the future – or therapists who are already working online. Even though I’ve been doing online therapy for several years I got so much from it. The course covered just about everything I needed to know about how to deliver online (and phone) therapy safely and effectively. It especially reassured me about the online use of the Rewind technique for treating clients with trauma and other PTSDs.
    It gave me several new safe-guarding ideas and during the break-out sessions I gained many new tips that I can implementright away. Overall, another excellent course from Human Givens College. Thank you!

  16. Paul Hanley, Psychotherapist

    A clear, relevant and very practical presentation of working therapeutically online. Jo is warm, inclusive and makes what could be an awkward topic manageable to grasp. Helpful and clear notes and Chat links.

  17. Ewa Badek, Health Coach & Trainee Counsellor

    Great experience, run smoothly, I really enjoyed interactive aspects as well

  18. Emma Scott, HG Psychotherapist

    Really helpful to hear the course content as well as examples from other practitioners

  19. Counsellor

    Enjoyed the participative aspect of this and meeting/interacting with colleagues

  20. Andrew Bradford, Medical Doctor

    A good over view of the process of online consulting.

  21. Ingrid Steele

    Jo is a great teacher and facilitator, and you can see her energy and enthusiasm even when working online. The course has lots of useful information to take away in order to support your business and practice.

  22. Sarah Houldsworth

    As a trainee HG therapist preparing for Part 3 it was an excellent, focused training on how to take in-person therapy online and phone to clients. The guidelines on what can and can’t be offered at my level of experience was clear and very welcome to extend what I can offer to work with clients when it’s not possible to meet in person. I really appreciated being able to work in small breakout groups with a variety of others of different levels of experience, to learn from peers and meet other therapists in the HG family and how they have found moving into online therapy or offering hybrid working.

  23. Deborah Johnson

    Extremely knowledgeable, concise, interesting and great food for thought. It’s amazing how much information you gain in a morning. So much information that it has to be broken down into bite-sizes to ensure nothing is missed. Thank you to the team and the people who attended as everyone was so insightful and encouraging.

  24. Safeguarding Lead

    As always, Jo delivered a great course. I really enjoyed the courses when Jo is a facilitator because I feel she sets the pace just right and she clearly explains the concepts in a very digestible way. The information was useful and I’m looking forward to being able to see clients online as this will make therapy accessible to those that can’t access face to face. The only thing I would say is that it would have been great if the cost was lower – having recently had to fork out on all the set up costs, plus supervision costs, and ongoing room hire for clients, I have really been feeling the pinch, despite working full time. This is a necessary course to be allowed to see clients online, so this would be my only criticism. I would do more courses if I could afford to as they are so interesting and add so much value to our work. Many thanks and it was great to see everyone.

  25. Complementary Therapist

    Nice to see Jo again. As always the course felt very thorough with a lot of good questions asked and answered succinctly. Ran out of time, as per, but that’s good. Makes me go over the notes again to consolidate my understanding. Thanks all.

  26. Robert

    Very well organised – a wealth of useful information. Answered all of my questions!

  27. Therapist

    Really useful, practical, confidence-giving content – and Jo’s delivery is always superb.

  28. Emma Savage

    The course was very informative and well taught. It covered lots more information than expected and was delivered exceptionally well. The breakout rooms for discussion also worked really well.

  29. Emotional Wellbeing Practitioner

    Good opportunity to consolidate important considerations around online and telephone working with clients.

  30. Charity Worker

    Good and sensible advice regarding online working.

  31. Psychotherapist

    I found this course to be thorough, well paced and with comprehensive examples of good practice.

  32. Iakovos Flaskis, Company Owner/Therapist

    Input from today’s course was great. A lot of stuff that I wasn’t sure about regarding online therapy was addressed – great work with the presentation too! Overall, a very positive experience.

  33. Elizabeth McBarnet, Speech & Language Therapist, HG Therapist

    I have been practising therapy online for years now, and still found this course immensely helpful. Things I knew already were explored deeper and crystallised, such as drawing up agreements with the client; managing the different therapy spaces; contingency plans for the signal dropping etc. I had been unsure about how to manage the more complex work such as rewind online, and this was examined in great detail with plenty of encouraging information and advice. Thank you Jo and Arlene for a very well delivered and helpful course.

  34. Human Givens Therapist

    Packed with hints and tips for many important aspects of working safely online and over the phone.

  35. Elodie Ladlow, Counsellor

    Really helpful information covered clearly in a friendly format.

  36. Anthony Horsburgh, Counsellor and Trainer

    Very informative with ample time for discussion to gain further awareness and knowledge from Jo and other participants.

  37. Aliya Drake, HG Therapist

    Really useful tips and practical guidance for delivering therapy online or other the phone. It was especially useful to see where the differences were and what the potential challenges would be.

  38. Leslie Staines, Therapist

    The course covered in detail the need for having a form dealing with Confidentiality and Privacy. Made you aware of the possible pitfalls that can arise doing therapy online such as the link going down, disinhibition, inappropriate dress, disruptions, need to use a secure platform, and appropriate location and time of the meeting. Awareness was also raised as to what type of conditions may be unsuitable for on-line/phone work and the necessary practical experience of the face to face rewind technique before attempting to take this on.

  39. Charlie Green, Manager, Trainer and Coach

    The trainer was really knowledgeable and made space for contributions and questions. Have moved from feeling unsure about offering rewinds online to being excited to trial some with peers and then to clients. There was lots of helpful reminders about HG in general too. As always, the HG approach fills me with hope. Thank you.

  40. Pamela Woodford, HG Psychotherapist/Tutor

    Having been working online for a considerable time, this course provided all I hoped for. Jo’s teaching is rich, informative clear and precise. Her delivery kept me focussed and interested all the way through. Being able to add clarity to what can seem a dauntless task, was very encouraging. For me personally, I was able to reflect on my own virtual practice, and update some of ‘paperwork’ as well as tick boxes that are already in place. Excellent CPD and I would encourage every HG practitioner to make time for this valuable course, as like it or not, virtual literally opens up a whole new world. HG in its’ organic evolution is never static but always looking for optimum ways forward. Many thanks Jo, Arlene and Ros for an inspiring day.

  41. Andrew Morrice, GP

    A really essential briefing on the distilled experience of HG practitioners working on-line.

  42. Finance Professional/Counsellor

    Practical information and tips. A good mix of participants with different experiences to learn from.

  43. Human Givens Therapist

    I thought it was very well structured with a lot of good quality information. It made me think about things I have missed and need to do more on. It gave time for discussion and reflection. The questions were well-answered.

  44. Simon Bostock, HG Therapist

    Jo was a great trainer and the group had plenty of people that were prepared to contribute and get involved. I liked the way each breakout room was with a different set of people.

  45. Trainee

    Thorough and not too long.

  46. Human Givens Therapist

    I thought it was an enjoyable, informative, insightful and encouraging workshop.

  47. Melanie Kettner-Borough, Pastor & HG Psychotherapist (trainee)

    This was a comprehensive course with so much meat as far as looking into all the possible challenges, difficulties and unforeseens of doing therapy online and by phone. Jo certainly allowed me to see phone therapy in a different light without the assumed difficulties I had previously thought. I feel more confident to do phone therapy should I need to. Ros Townsend and Jo Baker both tackled questions and doubts in a very informative and reassuring way. This was extremely helpful. I have clients in person and online – many of the topics discussed allowed conversations about some of the unforeseen things and some that could present unnecessary stress. This was a very helpful, informative and at times amusing seminar. Many thanks.

  48. Zuzanna, Counsellor

    Very good informative training about on-line and phone therapy and what to pay attention to.

  49. Jayne Timmins, Psychotherapist and Lecturer

    I thoroughly enjoyed this course. I felt that it was constructed to exemplify good online practice and well delivered by Jo and Ros. I have been working on line since Covid like many therapists and trainers, without any training, and it was good to see that despite my lack of formal training I was doing everything correctly. I really liked the frequent use of discussion and found that was most beneficial for my own learning. The slides were clear, simple and really aided comprehension, and the guidance was laid out well and easy to follow. Through Ros sharing her experience and confident of delivering GI and Rewind on line, and by using the various scaffolding outlined, I know that I will no longer be scared of trying those interventions with on-line clients.

  50. Psychotherapist

    An informative insight into working on-line and by phone. The real world experience of Ros and Jo was very effective in illustrating learning points and promoting discussion. There was ample opportunity to listen to other people’s experience and share good practice in ‘rooms’. I would go so far as to suggest it is essential that anyone considering conducting HG therapy ‘on-line’ should attend this course. It is not a straightforward transition from face-to-face to on-line work. The privacy, legal, insurance and global health care requirements by different countries need to be carefully assessed and complied with.

  51. Sarah Denning, IVF Counsellor

    This course was very useful for me as the majority of my work is virtual. There were lots of helpful ideas to make an online meeting better – things that I hadn’t even considered were things! There were plenty of opportunities to ask questions and talk to other participants and the length was perfect. Good course.

  52. Ben Bolton, Operations Manager

    For someone who has never worked online, this was a very valuable introduction. However, it would also be applicable for someone needing to get a better understanding of online issues. A very thought provoking course.

  53. Marta Maj, Wellness Coach and Pilates and Yoga Teacher

    I have found the course very helpful. We have looked at many aspects of doing on-line therapy sessions, considerations, pros and cons of using various HG therapy techniques.

  54. Penny Tyndale-Hardy, Psychotherapist and Mental Health Trainer

    Very good

  55. Lise Bratton, HG therapist (trainee)

    A very useful course. Though I probably won’t be working online for a while, it gave new context to the Human Givens approach, one that I’m sure will be useful in the future.

  56. Judy Lovell

    A comprehensive and practical course considering the adjustments and areas to be aware of when delivering therapy online or over the telephone.

  57. Julie Lowe, Dance and pilates teacher - HG trainee

    So clearly delivered. The course was very informative.

  58. Graeme Layzell, HG Practitioner

    Both Ros and Jo spoke from experience. Very helpful course content that allowed me to look at my practice and consider where I could improve it. Thank you.

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Original price was: £110.00.Current price is: £105.00.
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