1-day workshop

Dealing with Conflict new

The psychological insights and skills you need

Knowing how to resolve conflict constructively is an essential life skill – improving personal and professional relationships, mental health, productivity and more…

Course Factfile

Conflict Resolution Training

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  • Price: £198 per person

Includes lunch, refreshments and course notes


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LAST DATE this year:  Mon 16th September in Leeds – join experienced mediator and psychotherapist Rupinder Mahil to add these important skills and psychological insights to your ‘toolbox’.

> Counts towards the Diploma – this course is now a requirement of Part 1 of the HG Diploma.

A fantastic approach that helps you unpack the issues, respond positively and find an effective solution that moves everyone forward...

This course will:

  • deepen your understanding of why conflicts develop and escalate, the psychological factors involved and the cultural and contextual influences on our perceptions, experience and responses to conflict
  • build your confidence and comfort around being in situations that involve conflict
  • give you a range of skills and techniques that you can use with both individuals and groups, in therapy or the workplace – or with your friends and family – to resolve conflict constructively

It will also enable you to:

  • help clients recognise conflict and understand their own responses to it
  • help clients develop the skills to engage with conflict productively, so they are more likely to reach positive outcomes
  • provide clients with a framework and structure for addressing conflict in a healthy way
  • help clients become less fearful of conflict, so they don’t avoid it in ways that are unhelpful and to recognise the role of conflict in healthy relationships
  • provide psychoeducation, explaining how barriers to needs can cause conflict and how this can be different in different cultural contexts

The course is interactive and experiential, with a focus on developing practical and transferable conflict resolution skills. It combines trainer input, discussion, small group activities and role-play to build your confidence when helping to resolve conflict at all levels, whether one-to-one or in organisations.

Why take this course

CPD Provider LogoConflict isn’t always destructive. Properly handled it can be creative and productive, leading to better outcomes and possibilities for all. Although conflict is a normal, ever-present possibility in our lives – between family, friends, colleagues, neighbours, and in our interactions with organisations – when it  becomes entrenched it can cause immense individual distress, and waste time and money.

Addressing interpersonal conflict using the psychological insights, concepts and proven techniques you will learn on the day, helps us to solve problems creatively and improve the health and wellbeing of those involved. To lead a healthy life we don’t need to avoid all conflict, but we do need to know how to approach it in ways which can help everyone involved meet their emotional needs, a win/win for all. Learning the human givens approach to conflict resolution helps to reduce the potential damaging consequences of destructive conflict and embrace the benefits of constructive conflict.

Throughout the day, Rupinder will draw on her own considerable practical experience of successful conflict resolution and mediation in a wide range of settings as she provides expert guidance and training in the psychological insights and skills you need to be able to constructively resolve conflict between individuals and/or groups.

Addressing conflict in the right way helps us solve problems and improves the health and wellbeing of everyone involved...

What the course covers

  • The common causes of interpersonal conflict
  • The negative impacts and potential benefits in conflict situations
  • How to consider intentions and outcomes when engaging in conflict
  • The different methods used to influence the outcome of conflict, and how the method influences the outcome
  • What a resolution really is
  • The cultural and contextual influences on perceptions, experience, and responses to conflict
  • The role our innate needs and resources play in conflict situations
  • Identifying our influence on the process of conflict
  • Effective skills to engage people who are in conflict
  • A practical, sequenced model for effective mediation and conflict resolution
  • An effective framework for facilitating constructive conversations
  • How to structure a session/s to: facilitate resolution, increase engagement, understanding and define the needs of all parties
  • Effective skills to facilitate negotiations
  • Techniques and diffusing strategies to reduce potential barriers
  • How to access resources to build agreements that last
  • The effective skills needed to facilitate negotiations
  • How to implement opportunities in organisations to address conflict effectively
  • Ways to develop your leadership ability to respond to conflict and/or support others who are enduring it
  • How to use this to support the process of resolution by improving how individuals relate to one another and addressing the contentious issues constructively
  • And much more

Course Programme

The ‘Conflict Resolution’ course starts at 9.30am and runs until 4.00pm.

>> Click the headings below to view programme details.

Who is this course suitable for?

  • This course is for anyone wishing to understand more about the different ways conflict can affect us, or to feel more confident in a facilitation or leadership role when helping conflicted people
  • It is also very relevant to anyone working in a supportive role – such as counsellors, psychotherapists, managers, HR staff, life coaches, Mindset Coaches, social workers etc. – as well as employees, customer service personnel and anyone working in schools and education.

CPD Provider LogoThis conflict resolution course has been independently accredited by the internationally recognised CPD Standards Office for 6 hours of CPD training.

On completion of this training you’ll receive CPD certificates from the College and the CPD Standards Office.

Register your interest – next date

If you can’t make any of these course dates, please complete the form below and we’ll email you when another date becomes available.

Reviews for this course

4.8/5 (31 Reviews)
  1. Fiona, HG Therapist

    A great workshop – with helpful new knowledge and challenging new skill set to learn/practice. Thank you for presenting with such clarity.

  2. Anna Tingle, HG Therapist

    Rupinder in a wonderfully emphatic and engaging presenter. The course was informative and challenging.

  3. Hannah Drury, Company Director

    Really enjoyed the structure and the content of the day. A nice mix of presentation and activities. A good sized, dynamic group.

  4. Rebecca Lagan, Trainee HG Therapist

    I really enjoyed today’s course. I have learnt a lot though it wasn’t quite what I expected it to be. I thought it would be more related to therapy than holding a mediation meeting.

  5. HG Therapist

    Provided a framework and some further understanding to bring into my private practice.

  6. Teacher

    Thought provoking content which helped me to understand the complexities of conflict and conflict management

  7. Couple Counsellor

    Very good – enjoyed role play. Knowledgeable presenter.

  8. HG Therapist

    A full day, lots to think about but mainly around application. Will now need to pay attention in life and to clients to spot everything.

  9. UX Designer

    Really well-spaced, great mix of theory and practical, low barrier for entry for a non-therapist like me.

  10. General Practitioner

    Fantastic tutor – so much learning by practising and feeling the key elements of conflict resolution.

  11. Kathy Rice, Retired Hospital Doctor

    A very good introduction to the principles of dealing with conflict and clarification of commonly-used terminology, plus an interesting introduction to using role play in learning the skill needed.

  12. Jan Finn, Counsellor / Supervisor

    Energising day, full of content and excellent facilitation of subject matter. I have come away feeling that I will be able to use SO many of the strategies discussed. Particularly useful putting theory into practice.

  13. Ryan James, Civil Engineer / Project Manager

    Another informative and enjoyable course delivered by a knowledgeable and passionate tutor. Great facilitator and engaged the entire room. This course particularly could be useful to many professions and professionals.

  14. Julie Wyman, Therapist and trainer

    Some immediately useful information, made very accessible by clear, human, well-delivered training. Very inclusive too, which I appreciated!

  15. Ayurveda practitioner

    Fantastic. Everyone should do. Tutor amazing.

  16. Cathy Atkinson, Educational Psychologist

    Course was excellent. Presenter highly experienced and skilled. Great balance of theory and practical. Lots of opportunities to share experiences and network. Particularly useful were the structures for supporting conflict resolution, and presenter’s own extensive knowledge and experience.

  17. Sue Haswell, Coach, Trainer

    Really useful, enjoyably and full of insight. Trainer excellent, with great personal / professional experience.

  18. Head Chef / Trainee HG Practitioner

    Stunning course! Excellent skills, great communication. Our teacher / facilitator was excellent. Put our needs first, listen and then acted. Amazing.

  19. HG Practitioner

    Really valuable to hear Rupinder’s deep experience and knowledge in the field of conflict resolution and how HG model can be utilised in practice. Also very useful to go through role play of case.

  20. Unnur Inga Jensen-Wilmot, Positive Psychology Practitioner, HG Student

    Brilliant course with lots of information. Great facilitator and immensely interesting content. Very interactive and useful experience.

  21. Music Educator

    Very interesting introduction with lots of participation, exercises and interaction. Great facilitation and good course notes. It felt a little rushed at the end and it would be good to have had some more time on strategies, perhaps in a Part II?

  22. Grahame Brown, Medical

    Especially helpful to have had practical participation.

  23. Jennifer Taylor, Nurse

    Overall well presented and content was comprehensive. Good tutor.

  24. Caroline, Therapist

    Rupinder was a fantastic tutor, very supportive, understanding and knowledgeable. The content and exercises on the course were clear and concise. I do think that this course may be better delivered over 2 days due to the amount of content and time for the exercises to be done fully.

  25. John Halker, Psychotherapist

    A brilliantly presented course which offers really practical tools to help deal with conflict, underpinned by a deep understanding of the real psychological factors affecting any conflict.

  26. Latania Kennard, School Counsellor

    What a fantastic day! A very deep dive into managing conflict and moving to a place of resolution.

  27. J Yap, Relationship Therapist

    I thought it was very constructive and well structured. A lot of clarity and understanding brought to ‘conflict’ as well as an increased awareness. Rupinder is very experienced and engages the audience well, with a natural, easy manner.

  28. Mental Health Advocate, Rubika Barakat

    Everyone without exception encounters conflict in their lifetimes. This trauma can be deep-rooted and colour who we are as humans. The course has enabled a better understanding.

  29. Human Givens Therapist

    The day offered powerful insights into the psychological processes involved in conflict and ways to resolve disagreements. The material was clearly presented in a relaxed and accessible style.

  30. Volunteer Language Teacher

    An insight into both conflict resolution, people’s reactions to conflicts and our ways of dealing with them. I loved the way we were made to think about the meaning of the central concepts at the start of the course.

  31. George Bower, HG Trainee

    An interesting extension to the HG modality in understanding what conflicts are, how they arise and how to work towards resolution through working with each disputants needs and more. Rupinder delivers from a place of real expertise of people and process.

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